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  • Writer's pictureMayowa Taiwo

Pixel-Perfect reporting using SSRS and Report Server: Paginated Report Development on OLTP Sources

Updated: Nov 1, 2023

Picture showing newspaper stock and graph to illustrate reporting on One page or paginated reporting


In the relentless pace of today's business world, efficient and insightful reporting is the key to staying competitive. The challenges of consolidating data from diverse sources, creating visually compelling reports, and delivering them to decision-makers can be arduous. Enter SSRS, now known as the Power BI Report Builder, a solution that transforms reporting workflows. SSRS streamlines the process, enabling businesses to effortlessly collect data, design professional reports, and automate distribution. It not only solves reporting challenges but also empowers organizations to make swift, data-driven decisions in the data-centric landscape.

Problem Statement

In the fiercely competitive business environment, operational data (OLTP) hides valuable insights. The immediate challenge is addressing critical business queries to enhance performance and decision-making. The main issue lies in the absence of a cohesive reporting system that offers a holistic view of business operations. This hampers the ability to optimize sales strategies, allocate resources efficiently, and uncover growth opportunities. Without these insights, informed decision-making becomes a challenge, potentially leading to revenue loss and market disadvantage. Solving this problem is crucial not only for competitiveness but also to leverage data as a strategic asset in real-time decision-making.

Data Collection and Preparation

The AdventureWorks Database serves as our data source, widely known and publicly available. It mimics a fictional bicycle manufacturer's operation, encompassing sales, products, employees, customers, and more. To obtain the data, I downloaded it from Microsoft's official website in backup file format.

A picture Depicting the Data source (AdventureWorks) used for this project
AdventureWorks Database as case study data source

Data Extraction and Dataset Modelling

The data preparation involved extraction using SQL Queries, data selection, cleaning, and transformation to ensure accuracy and data quality.

A picture of all datasets for the reports in the project
Datasets developed for the reports using SQL Queries and Reporting services Query designer tool

Report Design

I designed and developed the paginated reports with headers, footers, page numbers, tables, and matrixes to structure and present data effectively. The tool used for this case study was Visual Studio Reporting Services. To better ensure optional functionality, I included features for Sorting, grouping, calculations, and drill-down functionalities that organized data logically and provided depth to the reports.

Publishing Reports

Reports were published on a Report server in user-friendly formats as interactive web reports using SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS).

A picture showing an overview of all the paginated reports
Published Paginated Reports as Interactive web reports

Discussion and Impact

These reports empowered decision-makers with actionable insights. Enhanced decision-making, precise resource allocation, and competitive advantages were the outcomes. The reports analyzed and provided insights into various aspects of the organization's sales data. These Reports include;

  • Annual Sales Reports: Unveiled sales trends and fluctuations, aiding resource allocation and marketing strategies.

  • Orders Made by Salesperson: Identified top-performing salespersons, guiding recognition and strategy replication.

  • Product Sales by Date and Subcategories: Revealed product sales trends and informed inventory management and product development.

  • Sales Order Invoice: Enhanced customer experience and internal record-keeping.

  • Salesperson Summary and Territory Sales Reports: Assessed sales performance at individual and territory levels.

Future Work

Future enhancements include advanced data visualization, cloud migration, natural language processing, user feedback integration, data governance, predictive analytics, and customer segmentation.


Addressing the problem statement with efficiently paginated reports revealed our data's potential. It transformed data into actionable insights, optimized strategies, and gained a competitive edge.

Technical Skills/Tools Employed:

  • SQL for data extraction, manipulation, and cleaning.

  • SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)/Power BI Report Builder for report design and publication.

Relevant industries

This case study applies to various industries, including

  • Retail

  • Manufacturing

  • Healthcare

  • Finance.

  • and virtually every industry that uses excel and one-age reports


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