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  • Writer's pictureMayowa Taiwo

Analyzing the Evolution of PFAs in Canadian Wastewater: A Data Visualization Approach

Updated: Nov 20, 2023

Data Visualization: Power BI Report


This case study focuses on the growth of Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), a group of potentially harmful chemicals, and their presence in selected Canadian wastewater facilities. Leveraging data from the Government of Canada's Website, the study aims to provide insights into the growth of PFAs over time, identify common PFAs in various sampling locations, and understand their implications for the environment and public health.


PFAS are synthetic compounds used in various industrial applications, and they have raised concerns due to their potential adverse effects on the environment and human health. This case study explores the presence and evolution of PFAs in Canadian wastewater facilities, shedding light on their concentration trends and implications.


The primary objective of this project is to visualize and analyze the presence and growth of PFAs in Canadian wastewater facilities. By using data visualization techniques, the study aims to provide actionable insights into the environmental and health impacts of PFAs.


Data Collection Data was collected from the Government of Canada's Website, specifically focusing on PFAs in Canadian municipal wastewater treatment systems.

Data Source analysis

Data Preparation

Two tables with consistent columns and types were appended to create a unified dataset for analysis.

Data Modelling

Fact and Dimension tables were created through dimensional modeling to establish 4 (Dimensions) to 1(Fact) relationships, ensuring a functional data model.

Data Analysis

Data Analysis eXpressions (DAX) expressions were utilized to build metrics, calculated tables, and calculated columns for in-depth data analysis.

Data Visualization Data visualization techniques, following best practices, were employed to create visuals that effectively convey insights to stakeholders, enabling a comprehensive understanding of PFAs in wastewater.

Key Insights

Change in PFAs Concentration: Year-on-year analysis revealed that PFHpS exhibited the highest increase at 124%, indicating a concerning trend with potential health implications.

  • Temporal Trends Levels of PFAs before 2014 were lower than those post-2014. While there was a decline in 2015, concentrations steadily increased from 2015 to 2019. This trend may be associated with increased manufacturing in Canada, warranting further investigation using manufacturing data from 2009 to 2019.

  • Detection Limits The lowest detection limit for all years occurred in 2018 at 0.62, followed by a sharp rise in 2019, mirroring the trend in average PFAs concentration.

  • Sampling Locations Wastewater exhibited the highest average concentration of PFA compounds and detection limits. Specifically, these concentrations were prominent in Raw Leachate, Leachate, and treated leachate.

  • Treatment Plants Treatment plants labeled as "T" and "QB" consistently ranked among the top five for both the highest average concentration of PFAs and detection limits, warranting attention and further investigation.

Use Cases:

The insights gained from this case study have several practical applications, including:

  • Monitoring the environmental impact of PFAs in wastewater.

  • Identifying potential health risks associated with PFAs concentration trends.

  • Informing regulatory decisions and policies related to PFAs.

  • Identifying wastewater facilities that may require targeted interventions for PFAs mitigation.

Summary and Conclusion:

This case study provides valuable insights into the presence and growth of PFAs in Canadian wastewater facilities. By leveraging data visualization techniques and in-depth analysis, it offers actionable intelligence for environmental regulators and stakeholders. The findings underscore the importance of continued monitoring and regulation of PFAs to mitigate potential health and environmental risks.


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